Exploring the parent-child relationship.
Discovering new communication & discipline tools. 
Resetting family energy.


$39 - 2 chances to engage

Monday, April 11

12-2pm mtn
7-9pm mtn

How amazing would it be to speak to your child once, and have them not only listen but truly HEAR you?

So amazing, and that's just what we will be focusing on in this roundtable. Imagine stepping into a role that receives respect and attention from your child so absolutely that any feelings of invisibility and impotence easily slip away.  Picture your child tuning into your words not out of fear or reverence, but because they truly value your presence and contribution to their world.

Let's talk about parenting

No really.  After years of working with parents, I have learned that what really gets results is compassionate, intelligent dialogue, so let's talk.  Instead of a class or workshop, this event is completely different - a roundtable discussion where I will guide you through all the factors that contribute to the most common problem clients bring me every day: getting our kids to listen! I will help you explore the relationship you desire with your child, onboard the skills you need to create that dynamic and identify exactly what has gotten in the way so far. 

It feels terrible when our kids don't listen. 

We feel ignored and invisible, and find ourselves badgering our kids, repeating requests, and ultimately either losing our temper or giving up in defeat.  Most parents I know are totally mystified as to how to change any of it, and even more confused about how things ended up like this in the first place!

What sometimes gets lost in the frustration of trying to be heard, is the damage being done to something even more important - the closeness and attachment between you and your child.

Tuned-in communication plus discipline that honors both the parent and the child is where it's at, and that's exactly what this roundtable is all about.

A roundtable? How does that work?

If you're used to conventional online workshops, webinars, or courses, you're in for a fun surprise.  Instead of absorbing info passively, this event is interactive and communal in a whole new way.  Before we meet, you'll be getting a short guide walking you through some high-level questions and thought exercises so by the time we meet your mind will already be bubbling with new ideas and solutions for us to discuss in person.  During our roundtable I'll be connecting with you about it all, giving you feedback, and helping you turn those ideas into the family relationships and behavior of your dreams

How would parenthood change if you KNEW that every word you said mattered to your loved ones?

What new things would you share with your family? How might you know each other more deeply?

So much changes when we feel heard and valued.  And a huge transformation happens when we know how to reach the people we care about.  A new world of connection, cooperation, and closeness opens up, and this is exactly what we are creating in our roundtable - the magical blend of communication tools and parenting skills that is the perfect formula for incredible parenting and amazing behavior.


2 chances to engage

April 11th

12-2pm MTN
7-9pm MTN

Is this event for you?

YES, if this sounds like you...

  • You have a kiddo of any age (truly!) and feel stuck repeating yourself without them listening.
  • You're either losing your temper or caving after being ignored and feel unsure how to change things.
  • You are ready to actively co-create a safe space by being vulnerable and learning from yourself and others.
  • You are open to expanding your mind and seeking solutions within yourself and taking responsibility for your own personal growth.
  • You are prepared to be engaged and on-camera throughout our entire session (this event will not be recorded - its benefit is solely for those who chose to invest fully in the experience live).


Hi, I'm Ann!

I'm a mother of 4, a parent coach, and still sane, believe it or not!

When I became a mom, I had no clue about parenting. I found myself losing my temper with kids who were out of control and driving me nuts! โ€‹After realizing I did NOT want a life of anger, misbehavior, and chaos, I turned myself and my family around in a big way. Now I help other moms do the same, and it's the best job ever!  

My business is based on the true and tricky fact that we are parents and individuals all at once.  The more we live and parent in alignment with our true selves, the better family dynamics we have and the happier we are. That's what my work is about and it's what I bring to my clients every day.