Hey Parenting Person!
Many people have asked if the Beyond Grades workshop will address social/emotional stuff.
The answer is YES, because you know what most of us didn’t anticipate about having kids in school? Their emotional rollercoaster, and how we would be dragged along for the ride!
School is just listening to teachers, doing schoolwork, and following rules, right? Ha!
Right out of the chute, many kids’ schoolwork has more to do with sorting out their social world than what’s happening in the classroom. Just like we have to support them while they learn how to succeed as students, we have to support them while they figure out how to succeed as friends, partners, classmates, leaders and followers.
The way forward for schoolwork is for us to stay neutral, ask questions, stay in our lane, and be a sounding board. It makes no difference if their current work in school is social and emotional instead of academic.
Easier said than done!
In the last week, I’ve supported my daughter while she wept over an ex who betrayed her, begged for a mall hang with a ‘cool’ girl, raged about someone getting in between a friend and her, and swooned over a new crush…
...BTW all of these moments were about the SAME person!!! 
Or how about my son, who keeps hooking up with people then stressing out about living up to their expectations. Oh yeah, staying neutral while my son crush-hops and caves to his hormones - EASY!
If we’re going to get through this time - we gotta stay above the drama. Our kids can’t do that yet; they’re still learning. If we jump in that pool with them, pretty soon we’re pissed when they are. We’re sad when they are. We’re worried when they are. No one is leading!
The Beyond Grades workshop is about helping kids be successful in school, and that means helping them socially and emotionally too.
In the Beyond Grades workshop, you’ll have time to talk about the social stuff too: bullies, frenemies, romance, being excluded, and any other social drama.
You'll walk away with real tools to teach your child how to navigate the hard stuff about school for themselves. Register here and reserve your spot now!
Love, Ann
PS. This workshop is free for my existing clients - check your email for your access code!